The Judo Journal (Take Ichi)

It has been approximately three months now (and four broken ribs) since Hailey and I have started practising Judo together (click HERE), and while I have certainly made some improvements in technique and gained a little more understanding of both the sport and the culture of judo, it is still with absolute certainty that I tell you that I still very much suck at it.  If I’m being completely truthful, I’d say that I have now obtained the unique ability to defy the normally understood Natural Law of Physics by being able to simultaneously both suck and blow at the same time so, yeah …



However, this is all okay and I’m completely fine with it.

In fact, I like it.

It’s all very new and so very different to anything else I have ever done and it makes me feel kind of dumb … but in a good way.

Ya know?

It’s entirely weird and different but, hey, so is willingly swimming through a literal river of piss at the beginning of any triathlon, so I’m thinking that this really isn’t that much different. And thankfully, pee doesn’t factor much into judo at all which, honestly, is just another complete bonus about this new sport.


However, being new, it’s still pretty scary to me though.

Less pissy, sure – but scary.

Now in case anyone should challenge my dedication to seeing this new interest through, I would like it to be known here and now for the record that I bought my first pair of track pants, like, ever in my life, just explicitly for judo, so that I’d have something comfortable too practice in while we’re waiting for our proper judo gi’s to arrive.

Seriously though … sweat pants!

You know who looks good in sweat pants?



That’s it. That’s all.

The rest of us just look like total schmucks.

So unless you’re jogging through the streets of Philadelphia, leaping over park benches and beating up on frozen cuts of meat, you just look like some twit who found himself a deal at Giant Tiger.

I give you Exhibit A:


And just in case you didn’t pick up on it immediately:


Twit status level: MASTER

But, hey, if looking like a twit – even if just temporarily – is what it takes to keep learning and moving forward … I’m all in!  After all, it’s not like anyone is going to stop to admire the crisp sheen on my new $8.00 pair of sweat pants while I’m lying there like a slug on the mat being joked out by my own step-daughter, now are they?

Probably not.

And let’s be serious, as excited as I am to finally get my gi, I am fairly confident that it’s not going to be very flattering. But, once again, remember that I have also previously wedged this fat ass into a neoprene wet suit, so I’m figuring that – like the complete absence of pee – this is also something of a step-up.


At best though, I was bound to look like a cross between, maybe, a bad Elvis impersonator:


… the Michelin Man:


… and, say, Ace Frehley from Kiss:


At least that’s how I had it pictured in my head anyway, so I opted to zig where everyone else (including Hailey) zagged and instead went with a blue coloured gi instead:


Now I just look like the Cookie Monster with Hypothyroidism.

But, meh … fuck it.

I once wore this flattering get-up too:


This time around though, I’m figuring with a few sequins here and perhaps a few tassels there, suddenly I’m looking a whole lot more like:


All I need now is some decent entrance music.

Also, so dedicated am I to this new judo thing, that I’ve even started to be more conscientious and mindful of my general hand and feet care.


That’s right folks, suddenly I’ve become very concerns of the state of all my piggies and pinkies given that we practice barefoot and that we’re normally ‘all up in each other’s hizzy’ so to speak.  And believe me, when you’re grappling on the mat the last thing you want to come up close and personal with this gnarly nightmare:

ugly toes1

Yeah …


Sure, in the pool these might be considered somewhat advantageous in keeping lazy drafters from getting too close during sets, or perhaps warding off those annoying dipshits in the fast lane doing breast-stroke (click HERE), but when you’re grappling with someone up close and personal-like, best you not gouge out their eyes with one of your nasty corkscrew toenails.


So interestingly, I’m now being a bit more diligent about all my post-shower “mani’s” and “pedi’s”.

No shame.

In fact, where I used to trim my toe nails, maybe, two three times a year … I am now doing it two or three times a month!


It’s the same with my hands which, apparently, are about a tough and rugged as freshly picked Georgia peaches.


It’s true, sadly – I have the hands of a little girl.

When you consider that I normally work in rubber gloves for eight hours a day, usually in hot and sweaty environments, my hands are more or less as soft and smooth as a baby’s bottom by the end of the day with my poor fingers looking like steamed cocktail wienies. I mean that’s great if you’re a professional hand model or, say, the world’s greatest lover (which obviously I am not), but for judo?

Not so much.

Especially when much of your workout is trying to grab, manipulate and ultimately throw someone by a thick heavy-weight double-stitched cotton garment, and my sissy girl hands are taking quite a beating.  I have taken then to using surgical tape that I wrap around my fingertips so that I’m not going home each evening with hamburger hands. I’m not particularly proud of course given that not many others seem to have this “sissy hands” problem, but I’m not currently swimming though other peoples pee anymore either, so, yeah …


That’s progress, baby … that’s progress!

God help me.

More on my Obsessive-Compulsive Impulses to Collect Stupid Shit …

If you’ve been learning anything about me in these past few months worth of posts, it’s that I tend to be a little obsessive-compulsive about certain things; only most recently of which has been all these damn stools that I keep bringing home (click HERE). However, these stools are far from the worst of my many collections that I have obsessed over, routed out and amassed in bulk over the years.

I’m not a hoarder by any stretch, but beleive me when I say that on some levels I can make Imelda Marcos look like Fraulein Maria.


Among my earliest obsessions as a mature adult – forgetting all the usual things that kids get interested in, collect, grow tired of, and then dispose of altogether for something ‘shinier’ and fancier in a vicious never-ending cycle – was bar mats, otherwise more commonly (and rather uncouthly if you ask me) known here on this side of the pond as “beer coasters”.

The art of collecting beer mats is referred to as tegestology among its more sophisticated aficionados such as myself. But despite the fancy Latin name, paper-pulp beer coasters were patented in 1892 by Robert Smith of Dresden, Germany, for a very simple reason — to absorb the condensation and overflowing foam that tends to spill over the rim of a freshly poured glass of suds. As with many pieces of paper ephemera, they were originally meant to be thrown away.

However, living in the U.K. for the length of time I did (click HERE and HERE), I learned to think of these mats as little art pieces unique to themselves, with most popular breweries going through great lengths to design some very appealing and eye-catching designs over the decades; giving them a historical merit to boot. Also of course, they were easy to acquire. Just tuck a fresh one away in your pocket from any pub you might happen to visit that evening, and your collection is away and running by leaps and bounds.*

Upon returning home, I continued to pick up beer mats, err “coasters” from all the different brewing regions, pubs, bar & grills, and what have you that I’ve been lucky enough to visit over the years and not one has cost me a single penny. I still do it today should I ever see a coaster while I’m out and about that I’ve never seen before, and I now keep them all in a big wooden crate in the basement with my old “Good Beer Guide 1998” from back in the day.


Lord only knows what I’m ever going to do with them all, but they’ll be there waiting in the meantime.

This was just the beginning though.

My first serious OCD addiction however, came not long after returning home from the U.K.. At that time, I fancied myself as a bit of a hobby photographer (seriously, who hasn’t?) and was really into experimenting with black and white photography in particular – only the most seemingly boring and overly pretentious of the photographic arts, but I digress – and I had an idea for a unique looking picture frame in which to showcase some of pictures that I took at a nearby bakery. The general idea being that I would outline, or somehow affix a bunch of bread clips to an ordinary picture frame in some sort of pattern in order to somehow artfully accentuate the pictures of freshly baked bread; I probably figured it would provide my “piece” with some “texture” or some shit like that.

How very ‘pre-Pinteresty’ of me, eh?

So, yeah, making a frame out of bread clips was the master plan that launched one of my strangest and hardest to explain collections.

Being the idiot I am, it never occurred to me to ask the bakery for a few handfuls of bread clips with which to complete the task, instead I set forth a plan to collect them myself which, given the amount of sandwiches I ate, shouldn’t have taken very long. I really didn’t have any clear idea of how many bread clips I needed or how big I wanted this frame to be, I just knew that I needed me some bread clips …


So much so was my addiction, that other people decided to “help out” and also started collecting bread clips that they would then hand over to me at work, or at the gym, or wherever it was they happened to see me, and I started storing them all in a cleaned out mayonnaise jar on my kitchen window sill. It was not uncommon at the time for me to bump into a friend somewhere and have them unexpectedly hand over a small zip-lock baggy of multi-coloured bread clips that they had kept in safe keeping for me.

Definitely not the usual “hand over” exchange that you might see on a street corner somewhere.

Anyway, this was absolutely the start of my bizarre obsessions and I absolutely dove straight down this rabbit hole head first with a total “Go Big, or Go Home!” attitude, much like Lenny Kravitz and that ridiculously big throw rug of a scarf.

Lenny Kravitz fights the winter chill with a giant scarf and knit hat, as he goes out and about in New York City

In other words: I was all IN.

So I embraced my new obsession one hundred per cent, but I was lying to myself in that they would ever fond their way onto any picture frame. After a few months, once I had amassed more than enough bread clips to complete the frame, I decided that I liked my collection of bread clips waaaay too much to ever part with and I abandoned the project altogether. By then, my original mayonnaise jar had been upgraded to a larger, more decorative Mason-style jar as the collection continued to grow by nearly a handful each and every week.

I was on a roll now and, clearly, I had gone all “Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs” over these bread clips.


Now here I am nearly two decades later and I have now dragged my poor family into this madness, for should any one of the currently being used bread clips that are keeping together any one of our many loaves of bread in the kitchen (I still like my sandwiches) ever end up anywhere other than it’s designated collecting jar, there will be, shall we say … “severe consequences”. And should anyone ever carelessly snap a bread clip in half, well now, that’s practically a punishable offence. It’s true, removing bread clips in our house is a task that requires much attention to detail – or God help them!

So of course, we may as well collect fruit stickers too.

I shit you not:


Of course I haven’t had this collection as long as the bread clips, but it too has become another weird labour of love and absolutely among my more bizarre of collections – sitting right there in the open on the kitchen counter for all to behold and marvel at.


Originally, the idea stemmed from Hailey’s ‘Wreck this Journal’ book that I got her as a little kid. Each page in the book was a prompt for her (us) to do something specific to the journal in order to, well, wreck it. In this particular case, the prompt was to fill the entire page with fruit and vegetable stickers so, of course, we ourselves to the task with earnest. And after a few weeks of effort we managed to do just that, but it’ll likely come as to no surprise to anyone that once this task had been accomplished successfully, I couldn’t just stop so I found another book for them and, yeah … we (*I*) still add them to this book that we keep within arms reach just for this very purpose.

I am not ashamed.

Also, another “new” obsession of mine lately has been hammers – old and worn hammers specifically.



Beats the shit out of me, but it does amuse me to no end that I have a bucket of hammers in my garage so that if anyone should ever challenge me about the overall level of my intelligence and I’m in need of something to compare myself to, I can just cock a finger in the direction of my hammer bucket and that person will immediately know that I’m really  trying to convey. No words will need to be spoken …

“I’m an idiot.”

By now, my wife probably thinks I’m insane collecting something for which I have so little affiliation (i.e. tools), but I choose to think that sanity is a rather one-trick pony where there’s only one path: rational action. But when you’re a bit “left of centre” already and have zero shits to give such as I do, the sky’s the limit.

This then explains my big box of wrenches and pliers.


Again, why?


It sure makes for a good door stop though.

And then there’s this more contained but no less impressive collection of Chinese fortunes from decades worth of consumed fortune cookies. I keep them in a Grey Poupon jar on my bedside table beside a picture of my father and a 3D paper cutout in my own likeness.


Talk about one fucked up tableau.

That’s some shit right out Dexter!

Yet my wife continues to go to bed with me every night … go figure.

I don’t even know why or when I started keeping my fortunes, but I guess it makes me feel like I’m keeping all these future possibilities, predictions, and profound insights into my being alive by not tossing them out and instead keeping them in an old mustard jar nearby while I sleep.


Again, there is no rational explanation for an otherwise irrational action so I’m just gonna leave this right here.

Of course it doesn’t end here as I also have growing collections, each in their own different stage of OCD-ness. These “newish” obsessions include wooden spoons, bottle caps, old vices, rubber ducks, vintage board games, dice, medicine bottles and rusty tins, and most recently, old desk drawers that I refinish to make kitschy-looking bird feeders and small planter boxes.

No shit.

How very Martha Stewart of me, right?

However, likely my weirdest and most morose collection is the one I keep just on the inside of my garage door in a large galvanized steel wash tub:


Yup, that’s thousands upon thousands of plastic bait box keys.

Talk about fucking creepy. 

That’s some real Silence of the Lambs style obsession going on right there!

I don’t even want to think about what a psychologist might make of this particular collection, but I will say that it sure makes for an interesting conversation starter at the very least.

God help me.

*In fact, by the time I returned home after living three years abroad in the U.K., I had managed to collect over 1000 bar mats that filled up an entire overhead carry-on bag on the flight home.

My Bizarre Obsession with Step-Stools

Remember a while ago I waxed on endlessly about a personal DIY success that I had in restoring a stool that I somehow miraculously managed to not completely fuck up? (click HERE and HERE) Well, what I failed to mention as part of that particular saga is that that particular stool was only but one success that I had amid a long line of other half-assed and, shall we say, “not-so-successful” restoration attempts of other less exciting and outright shittier looking stools. And of course, there were a few complete fails along the way as well.  I guess you could say that for a while, I had a rather weird and unhealthy obsession with step-stools.

Not exactly the mid-life crisis I was expecting.

I have no idea why I fixated on step-stools specifically, but I suppose it was because they were inexpensive and easy to find as well as not usually providing too complex of a challenge for me to tackle successfully.  I’m no Bob Vila after all. 

And truthfully, “cheap and easy” is how I like all my DIY projects.

Get your mind out of the gutter.


I’m also not so sure why I ever found step-stools so interesting in the first place.  I mean, they’re just a innocuous piece of seldom used furniture aren’t they? After all, the majority of stools that I found appeared to have just been thrown away and were in pretty rough shape. But regardless, I took to hunting them out from work sites, basements, sheds and online auctions and then attempted to fix them up in my garage as best I could.  And, really, by “fix up” (in most cases anyway) I really just mean hosing them down and applying a fresh coat of paint – usually just any old leftover paint I had similarly found around work sites, or on the cheap on the “mis-tints” shelf at the local hardware store.

What it all boiled down to is some incredibly gaudy step-stools.

Just look at this total eye-sore:


Gnarly, right?

I can almost hear interior decorators everywhere collectively dry-heaving.

I even painted a bunch of stools pink for God sakes!


In my defence, I wasn’t necessarily trying to make them “pretty” per se, nor did I ever foresee an immediate purpose for them all.  In fact, I’m not really attached to any of them – well, very few anyway.  I like to think that the rather disjointed way that the stools had come into my life was somehow reflected in the seemingly confused way they were brought back to life; resurrected by some thrifty and unskilled Dr. Frankenstein in his urban poor man’s two car laboratory.

It somehow made them ‘unique’ – and these ugly stools were unique as fuck, that’s for sure.

Most importantly, the stools were primarily an outlet with which to work out my anxiety at the end of a long and stressful day on the front lines through a global pandemic; the progeny of my pent-up stress if you will.  So, yeah, painting ugly ass step-stools in my garage and getting moderately shitfaced was simply my way of coping through the cold “non-frisbee” winter months, what else can I say?

It was better than, say, crack, crystal meth, or worse … needlepoint.

So gather them up and paint them I did, and now I’m stuck with a pile of ugly multi-coloured step-stools that takes up nearly an entire corner of my garage “workshop” (and I use that term lightly, of course).



There were a few other moderate successes I suppose, so I wasn’t all bad:

Having said that, I think I’m currently good with the stools for some time.

God help me.

Nothing Pseudo About Judo

Where most people have spent the better part of last year hiding away in quarantine from the rest of the COVID-riddled world and getting all fit and buff as a result of working out – what with all the extra time n all – I instead decided to do absolutely bupkis but stay at home and do diddly-squat.

Go me.


I’ve done other stuff sure, like restoring a few things in the garage (click HERE and HERE), reading more books on polar exploration than anyone should ever endure*, building a few bird feeders and planter boxes, and even dabbled a little in gardening and basic yard maintenance.

Not exactly Ironman worthy shit, I assure you.

In short, over the past year of self-isolation and quarantine I’ve basically evolved into being one pair of socks and sandals away from wandering around in my driveway with a garden hose and offering you a ‘tomay-tah’ – sad and pathetic as they will inevitably be. The only planks I hold these days are the ones that I sand and stain, and the only curls I ever do are the ones that will bring cans of craft beer to my lips whilst sanding and staining so yeah, as a result, two years down the road and I’m more or less starting all over again from scratch fitness-wise.  

Needless to say, that’s pretty damn embarrassing.

In truth, I am starting to do more these days than simply sponge up stress and drink cans upon cans of delicious, delicious beer, and one of those things also happens to be as completely alien to me as, say, cheese-sculpting is to a spotted bushfish; certainly something I never would have seen me ever being interested in – martial arts.

Judo to be specific.

You see, as luck would have it a few months ago, Ron, a member of our local constabulary …


… invited me to join him for an introduction.

Okay, that’s not actually what happened, there was a lot of begging and pleading on my part but the end result was that Ron was gracious enough to begin showing me the ropes, err … mat. Along the way (as is usually the case with my “shadow”), Hailey has become involved as well and we are now getting a much needed “hand-up” at a time when we – *I* – really needed one. And in light of no pools or gyms being officially open yet, I am very grateful for this opportunity. However, as with most things I end up taking on – I knew absolutely buckus about judo. So after I had made the initial arrangements to meet up with Ron and his wife Kristen, I decided I should Google to see what it was that I had actually gotten myself into.

Sadly, I quickly learned that there would be no “Superfly’s” or “Superplexes”. In fact, in so far as I can tell there was no to be no “super” anything of any sort. Also, there was also to be no “piledrivers”, “running bulldogs”, “flying elbows”, or “Stone Cold Stunners” in my immediate future either. Furthermore, the chances were also poor that I would ever the chance get to roundhouse kick a watermelon off a fence post like I’ve seen in a thousand martial arts movies.


I admit, I also called him back and cancelled altogether.

Instead, Judo is a modern Japanese martial art utilizing the throwing and taking down of your opponent and then pinning them to the floor for twenty seconds, or force them to submit through some sort of joint lock or choke hold. Not exactly Jean-Claude Van Damme stuff truthfully, but I figured I’d give it a shot anyway – disappointed as I was that I was also never going to get to dip my fists into buckets of glue and broken glass a la Kickboxer. In actuality, Judo means “the gentle way” so, yeah … ‘not very hard core sounding’ I thought to myself.

What did I know?

I can be such a dumbass.

With it’s origins based in jujitsu, the now Olympic sport of Judo was created in 1882 by Jigoro Kano as a physical, mental, and moral pedagogy in Japan. But if I’m being honest, the only other previous time I ever remember hearing the “judo” being referenced was while watching the Flinstones escape from the evil Dr. Sinister’s island lair as a kid.

So, yeah, I obviously have lots of necessary and important questions then.

1) Is it actually just a bunch of hand chops?

No. What works in the cartoon Hanna-Barbara fantasy world doesn’t necessarily reflect real life.

2) Will there be oil of any kind involved?

This is just an ordinary everyday fear of mine regarding, well, just about anything new to me. If I ever have to either oil myself up in any way, or worse, allow myself to be oiled up by another … then I’m automatically out! Thankfully, there is no oil involved in judo and I can breathe a sigh of relief.

3) Do I have to wear one of those diapers?

No. That’s sumo, so there will be no need to consume 30 cheeseburgers before bed every night, nor will I be required to wear anything “diaper-ish”. In judo, participants wear what’s known as a judogi (or “gi” for short) made of a heavily woven cotton blend. And contrary to what my wife may think, it most certainly does not resemble a “smock”. We’re “gentle warriors”, not medieval serfs – thank you very much.

4) Will I ever have to fight/compete bare-chested?

I mean, I love a good homoerotic martial arts fight scene as much as the next guy, but I’ll need a few months to work on my abs first before I’m ever comfortable taking off my short and putting my flabby “dad bod” out there for all to see.

5) Will I ever be required to kick over a tree?


No. And that’s good too because I happen to like trees.

6) Will I ever need to have my junk stretched open and strung up on poles?”


Thankfully, this was a resounding ‘NO!’ as well.

(Thank Christ!)

So armed with this new knowledge, Hailey and I have more or less committed ourselves twice a week to learning how to throw and be thrown; we have yet to deliver one another any superfly’s or put anyone through a table.

(Here’s hoping though)


As it turns out, throwing someone to the floor is kind of fun. Being thrown however, well, maybe not so much … as I was to learn anyway. I was actually contemplating this uneasiness with being thrown when Hailey, practising her Ippon seoinage (one armed throw), grabbed a hold of my gi, pivoted her hips, loaded me onto her back, and before I knew it my ass was up and airborne before coming to rest squarely on the mat like a beached whale with Hailey lording over me.

Her eyes said it all:

It was as if my shy, placid, teenage step-daughter had suddenly morphed into Randy “Macho Man Savage” and, unfortunately, I was the Brooklyn Brawler. It’s true, I had been “Fabulous Moolah-ed” by my own 16-year-old step-daughter right there in the middle of the mat.

The result: four broken ribs.


For the next six weeks then I had to forgo my judo lessons, but we’re currently back it once more and, hopefully, a little wiser and a little tougher. I’m not sure how this ultimately plays into my future fitness plans to be honest, but for the time being I do enjoy tackling something completely new and different from anything I have ever attempted before. Likewise, I am also appreciating having the guidance from both Ron and Kristen – both very positive people – through this transition as it has been a long time since I’ve been “coached”.

And as it turns out, I really miss being coached. Somewhere down the line, I stopped being coachee and instead became the coacher, so this otherwise simple act of simply showing up and doing as I’m shown over and over again is very welcome to me. And sure I might be taking my bumps along the way (as I did with all my other ‘new’ hobbies at the time), but I’m determined and interested to see now where this new chapter leads me.

God help me.

*Seriously, there is only so much one should know about cannibalism.

The Great Pencil Crayon War

The other day I was tidying up some of Hailey’s old school supplies in our basement “craft room” – and by “tidying up”, I mean my savagely throwing handfuls of shit into the air and kicking over the piles of crap strewn around the room in a full on blind tantrum of Godzilla-like proportions because I can’t find my cycling socks) – anyway, I was reminded of the “Great Pencil Crayon War of 1988” when I also happened across a discarded and forgotten ‘Poppy Red’ pencil crayon lying on the floor under the desk.

Because of course it was.


So what is this great conflict of which I speak?

Why, the “Great Pencil Crayon War of 1988” was an epic battle that occurred back in high school between my mother and Mr. Thompson, the rather egregious teacher who was unfortunate enough to a) have me as part of his Grade 10 Geography class, and b) have crossed swords with my mother.

I know, Hollywood isn’t knocking down my door anytime soon.


But I digress, these are just the things that come to my mind when I’m throwing tantrums, err “tidying up”.

What else can I say?

Anyway, it just happens that this same ‘Poppy Red’ pencil crayon that I discovered under the desk the other was of the popular Laurentian type and brand that most kids will carry with them to school in their knapsacks.

You know, these things:

pencil crayons

As it happened, I also happened to use these back in my own school days. They came in clear plastic packages folded over with “24 brilliant colours” tucked away neatly inside, and to accept any other brand of pencil crayon was simply laughable. To put it bluntly, they were the Mack Daddy of pencil crayons back in the day and I guess they still are.*

In early public school, the art supplies were more or less handed to you; all the crayons, paint, and glue you could ever hope to eat and/or use. But during the junior school years, art supplies such as pencil crayons became more the burden of the parent to provide as “essential requirements” for school, and this bothered my mother – a former teacher herself – to no end. (Don’t even get me started on her views on having to purchase us ordinary writing paper.) And when it came to pencil crayons specifically, Laurentian were the total bomb-diggity.

In fact, so highly regarded was this particular brand of pencil crayons that they were listed by name in the pre-class syllabus handed out for my Grade 9 Geography class the year before, which I also had with Mr. Thompson, so I was no stranger to Mr. Thompson’s complete hard on for Laurentian pencil crayons.

Not by a long shot.

But I don’t want to get ahead of myself.

Prior to beginning my Grade 9 Geography class with Mr. Thompson, I begged my mother for the necessary required equipment in which to please him but my mother would have none of it believing instead that any brand of pencil crayon was good as any other. (She’s not wrong)  Unfortunately for me, she also believed that the cheapest brand of pencil crayon procured from the local Bi-Way store at the mall was as good as the coveted Laurentian’s you could buy at any of the other big box stores where everyone else shopped.  And given that we could never afford any of the popular brands of clothes that were fashionable at time anyway, just being to show up with the proper essentials just once for class seemed like a much bigger deal at the time than it really was. My mom stubbornly refused however, so I ended up sneakily asking my grandmother instead and, low and behold, I showed up to my first day of class with a newly acquired package of the required 24 fancy-ass Laurentian pencil crayons.

Big whoop.

I am not proud.

At the time though, I considered myself very clever – especially when Mr. Thompson handed out his first assignment a mere few minutes into the class. It was a blank map of Canada with very specific directions: 1) colour in the map with one colour only, and 2) that colour had to be ‘Poppy Red’.  Also, there was only a ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’ mark to be given on your abilities to carry the above task. And with that, Mr. Thompson leaned back and kicked his feet up on the desk and went to work on making short work of a beach volleyball magazine.


Now why Mr. Thompson so preferred ‘Poppy Red’ over, say, ‘Cherry Red’ or ‘Candy Red’ I have no fucking idea, but thankfully I had come to class prepared and for two days I coloured my ass off. And for the record, easy as it might seem, this assignment ended up being more like some sort of crazy Medieval ordeal in having to endure colouring your map “crispy and distinctly” until your fingers were sore and blistered, and your pencil crayon had been worn down to a mere stump. It sucked.  It was agony and my knuckles still get inflamed every time see ‘Poppy Red’ to this day …

Shit, I can hardly leave the house come Remembrance Day.


Looking back on it, I think Mr. Thompson knew exactly what kind of cruel punishment we was inflicting on us with this assignment. I mean seriously, what did we as budding and impressionable 14-year-old’s learn from that particular assignment other than colouring sucks and that Mr. Thompson himself had some weird obsessive-compulsive fetish involving ‘Poppy Red’?

I know this because we never touched those fucking pencil crayons for the rest of the fucking year.


Now had my mother known any of this, of course, she would have lost her shit completely – particularly on me for having gone behind her back in the first place and conning my grandmother into the forbidden fruit. Fortunately though, when I was enrolled in Mr. Thompson’s Grade 10 Geography class the following year I was already prepared with my “essential requirements” having that same package of 24 Laurentian’s; minus the ‘Poppy Red’ mind you, which had been reduced to the size of a cigarette butt after the previous years’ torture, err assignment.

I was confident that this would be more than adequate for another school year, if not the rest of high school.  Surely the colouring was behind us anyway.  But once again, Mr. Thompson handed out his first assignment to his new sophomore class: a map of Canada … to be coloured in with only one colour … that only colour being ‘Poppy Red’ … only a ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’ to be issued afterwards.


Are you fucking shitting me?

My hand shot up immediately:

Umm, didn’t we do this map last year sir?”

I think my voice may even have warbled a little bit with the sudden panic that consumed my brain that I was about to be publicly exposed as a nefarious pencil crayon recycler …


Mr. Thompson just looked at me from the front of the room with his dark, lifeless, uncaring eyes and replied:

I am aware, Mr. Nash. However, I feel that this is also an appropriate introduction for this years robust curricula as well.”

Now, I hadn’t the foggiest idea what he meant by a “robust curricula” way back then, but I sure know bullshit when someone hands it to me so I responded by holding up my sad, pathetic stub of a ‘Poppy Red’ pencil crayon for him to see. I probably gave him a snarky look too that said something like: “… like this ‘Poppy Red’, sir?”

Obviously, this did not endear myself to him and to which he added:

Perhaps Mr. Nash, had you spent your summer working or collecting cans or something, you might have been able to purchase yourself another pack of Laurentian’s. Didn’t you see them on the list of ‘essentials’?  Let this be a lesson in preparedness.”


The fucker.

Prepare this …


Of course, this got snickers from my all classmates and I felt exposed as that “poor kid from the other side of the tracks”, which essentially I was. And as a matter of public record, I had worked through that entire summer but was handing over most of it to my mother for upkeep on the house, groceries, and what have you. We weren’t poor by any stretch of the imagination, but every dollar mattered in our house and a second package of pencil crayon’s solely for one colour to satisfy some power-tripping dipshit’s OCD tendencies was not considered “essential”.  Sure I may have fallen for it the previous year, but even I knew this time around that this was wrong – time to bring in the Big Guns, and by that I mean my mother.

In short, I scrounged up a ‘Cherry Red’ from somewhere (a back alley pencil crayon Black Market of sorts, I don’t know), handed in my assignment – itself a rather ‘uncrisp and indistinct’ effort I might add – and promptly received my failing grade. And as easy as that, my trap had been set and my plan for revenge was set in motion.  You see, in a few short weeks there would be the “Parent-Teacher Night” which, of course, provides the opportunity for parents to meet with their kids teachers and discuss their progress. And as a minor note, my mother already thought that Mr. Thompson was (and I quote): “a prick”. I have absolutely no idea what transpired during Grade 9’s “Parent-Teacher Night” but there was definitely no love lost between my mother and Mr. Thompson, and now this year he would have to explain his particular lesson plan and resulting mark with my mother – the ex-school teacher, thrift mom extraordinaire, and social justice champion.**

The battle lines for the “Great Pencil Crayon War of 1988” had been drawn and Thompson was fucked for sure!

To me, this confrontation was going to be on par with other famous rematches as, say, Ali vs. Frazier, the infamous Super Fight II at Madison Square Garden in 1974, or perhaps the Undertaker vs. Kane at Wrestlemania 20 … but alas, once again, I would not be privy to see any of it.

Having said that, in the days leading up to “Parent-Teacher Night” I sure made sure my mother was cocked and primed with both barrels loaded. She left that evening by herself with my failed ‘Cherry Red’ map in her purse, my father wisely opting to stay home to watch the hockey game – perhaps already sensing what was going to go down.

She was seething.

It was bound to be epic, and shortly after she left I went out into the front yard to sit and wait for the mushroom cloud that would inevitably appear on the horizon once she had begun to lay into ‘ol Thompson.

It was going to be absolute carnage.

My mother returned about an hour and a half later and once she had taken her shoes off, she pulled out my map of Canada which had now been re-emblazoned with a new passing grade and put it wordlessly on the kitchen table. I wasn’t surprised of course, but wanting more details I asked her what had happened.

She just looked at me and just said quite matter-of-factually: “you won’t be in any of his classes anymore”.

Inside, I did this:


Fuck Thompson and his maps.

I never did have Mr. Thompson for any other classes for the rest of my time at high school.  In fact, we may never have even spoken another word to one another again after that, which seeing as how small my high school was, would have been no small feat believe me.

However, before she went outside again to water her garden, she added for good measure: “Oh, and he’s still a prick”.

Game.  Set.  Match … douchebag.

God help me.

*Except maybe when it’s lodged in your neck after ricocheting off the wall where it was initially thrown in a blind fit of rage, but again I digress …
**Of course, this also meant that I had to come clean about where I had obtained my original set of Laurentian pencil crayons and suffer my own consequences, which included paying back my grandmother the whopping $8.99 they had initially cost her.